I was walking around campus today, and I got sad thinking about all the unsaved out there. So many people don't know Christ, so many people are going to hell. That depresses me...
This might sound silly, but I just want to be a nuclear bomb for Christ. I would give up my life right now and blow up for God. I could knock down walls, burn up evil, and radiate people with God's love. And then fade from my earthly existence.
If there was such a thing, I would become that bomb, go to the middle of BruinWalk tomorrow, and detonate. Leave my impact for Christ and then go to heaven.
But I guess that's what this life is. Around 60-80 years is nothing-- A vapor in the wind, a wave tossed in the ocean. It's so short that in the larger context of eternity, you're more fleeting than a bomb.
So are you going to be a grenade or a nuke for Christ? We'll see at the end of your life.
then you can have my dream funeral! =]
stevo i found you....
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