During the KCM servant team meeting, my mind wandered while we were talking about the upcoming missions report night. I opened my backpack and started picking at the magazine. One article remarked that "God's Word needs no revision," and I chuckled to myself because the Jehovah's Witnesses find the Bible false so they retranslated the Bible into their own New World Bible translation. I flipped through other articles until one of them grabbed my attention because it said Freedom for Mayas. There was a map of the Yucatan, and I pointed to Ashley who was sitting next to me, "Oh shoot, Yucatan! That's where I go for missions every year!" When I turned the page, my heart dropped and I almost cried. I forget names easily, but I never forget a face. There on the photo was a woman I had evangelized to in a remote village just a couple months back. As soon as I saw the photo I yelled out loud "Oh my God!", and at that exact same moment Jon Kang asked me to close in prayer for the servant team about... I didn't even hear the topic because I was busy looking at the photo. I turned to Ashley and she said it was for missions, and by this time I was freaked out and shaking. God reminded me of the urgency for missions. So I prayed. Coincidence? I think not...
I remembered a quote I read on my friend's wall who used to play varsity soccer. It read something like: When you're not training, someone out there is. It's similar to the mission field-- because when Christians are neglecting missions, then somebody else out there is spreading false doctrine and leading people to hell. I don't care if it's Jehovah's Witnesses (who preach that Jesus Christ is not God), or Mormons, or Muslims, or Buddhists. When we as believers make excuses not to go on missions, then cults and false religions are happily there to fill the lack. Not only do they spread demonic doctrine, they undo the missions work that you have done in the past. Just like the lady who I shared the gospel to, somebody else is spreading the Jehovah's Witness gospel to the same people. It's continual spiritual warfare. So I urge you, Christian. Promote missions. Don't be afraid to share your testimony. Support missions. Go out on missions. It's no joke.
The Watchtower is read semi-monthly by almost every Jehovah's Witness in the world.
hahaha, i was given a watch tower once too. some ridiculous stuff.
dang. that is no coincidence for sure. what a reminder.
wow. i'm reminded of how much others are dedicated to spreading their false doctrines and beliefs, yet we, who have the truth, sometimes fail to act. thanks for posting, stevo. definitely eye-opening.
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