Bunnies and Egg Hunts are a myth. But I recently discovered a recurring Christian myth about Easter:
On Sunday I heard an advertisement on KFSH 95.9 fm that said, "Come join us on the holiest day of the year for a special concert at ___ Church."
Holiest day of the year?! How is Easter holier than any other day?! Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. [Romans 6:8-11] In Christ we are no longer dead to sin but alive to God. And that means every single day we are crucified with Christ. Every single day we take up our cross. Once for all Christ was resurrected, which means every single day our souls are counted perfectly holy because of the perfect blood of the Lamb.
Easter ain't any holier. However... it should still be special. As humans, we forget so easily that if we don't have a special day to remember the resurrection, we probably wouldn't do it anyways. We often say Jesus died for us, He died for us, died for us. But we often forget Jesus was resurrected.
All the difference in the world lies in this one question: Was the tomb empty? Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:14, "And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain." The entire Christianity could be disproved and dismantled by one historical event. If the resurrection never happened, Christianity would mean nothing. Brother, your life would mean nothing. But it did happen. And the world was changed forever. Everything matters because of the resurrection. So remember that this week.
On that note, I'll leave you with this from N.T. Wright:
The message of the resurrection is that this world matters! That the injustices and pains of this present world must now be addressed with the news that healing, justice, and love have won... If Easter means Jesus Christ is only raised in a spiritual sense--[then] it is only about me, and finding a new dimension in my personal spritual life. But if Jesus Christ is truly risen from the dead, Christianity becomes good news for the whole world--news which warms our hearts precisely because it isn't just about warming hearts. Easter means that in a world were injustice, violence and degradation are endemic, God is not prepared to tolerate such things--and that we will work and plan, with all the energy of God, to implement victory of Jesus over them all. Take away Easter and Karl Marx was probably right to accuse Christanity of ignoring problems of the material world. Take it away and Freud was probably right to say Christanity is wish-fulfillment. Take it away and Nietzsche probably was right to say it was for wimps.
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