Do you remember playing with (or abusing) those Bobo Dolls? They were these inflatable clowns that kept mysteriously returning upright whenever you hit it. As a kid, I thought they were the most annoying things. For God's sake, why would a parent even buy their kids a toy like that? To lower their self-esteem? To make them feel inferior to a balloon man?
I used to unleash my fury on the Bobo Doll with flying kicks, reverse kicks, scissor kicks, karate chops, 15-punch combos, my yellow plastic baseball bat, and even wrestling moves. And just when I had thought "Surely this time I hit him hard enough" or "He'll never rise again"... Just when I thought I had finally defeated this balloon baffoon... I would turn around, only to see it slowly rising and giving me that annoying smile again, as happy as ever...

So as a kid I always wondered, what made this Balloon Buffoon always come back up? Little did I know... the physical make-up of a Bobo Doll has a foundational weight that never moves at it's base.
Haha today it makes me smile and laugh. Because WE are Bobo Dolls. Our "center of mass" is the CHIEF CORNERSTONE, Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:20, 1 Peter 2:6). He alone is my ROCK and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken. [Psalm 62:6] And whether it's man or Satan who tries to bring us down. Whether it's death or sin. We always get back up. Satan especially is like that little kid who gets so annoyed because he tries his hardest, but can never defeat the Bobo Dolls of Christ. O death where is your victory? When I get lost, my Shepherd comes and finds me. When I fall down, He lifts me up.
"Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me. I will bear the indignation of the Lord because I have sinned against him, until he pleads my cause and executes judgment for me. He will bring me out to the light; I shall look upon his vindication. Then my enemy will see, and shame will cover her who said to me,'Where is the Lord your God?' My eyes will look upon her; now she will be trampled down like the mire of the streets." [Micah 7:8-10]
as i was trying to think about what the analogy would be, i thought it was that no matter how hard we try to resist evil, we can't fight it back ourselves.. LOL. okay anyway, on another note, our vbs did the song 'get down' and one part of the body worship is the dance move i always do. anyway, on the last note, thank you for updating your blog. (:
dang, i love your analogy! hahah so simple, yet so deep. :] man, that was encouraging thanks for posting that!
never had a bobo doll..am i missing out on life? and are u giving me permission to hit u? hahaha jkjk
HAHAHA i thought it was about the bobo doll experiment that i learned in psych.. i didnt know bobo doll was around so recently! haha i thought those were back in the 60s or something (of course, i wouldnt know cuz i wasnt around for bobo dolls!)
but anyhow, you so WOULD come up with analogies like that.. HAHA but yeahh.. SARAH CHONG!i know whichsong youre talking about!
i GET DOWN, He lifts me up! I get down, He lifts me up! get down, He lifts me up! I get down~!!
along with that song i thought of..
"i will rise" by chris tomlin
as i was reading your blog..
it was.. something i used to listen to during the winter.. hahh
Thank you for the note.
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