What I love the most is that my dad man is still the same dude. Except now he just plays for the other team. Of course he's still a 2Cor.5:17 man, but he also hasn't lost any of his masculinity, like I've seen in so many guys who meet Christ. Since then, I have been hugely influenced by how Christ has used my sinful daddy for His glory and it awes me.
When I was born again in July '06, I was so confused (still am) by what it means to be a man of God. Do I have to be a soft-speaking ultra-gentle fembot? Because what I saw growing up was a fabio-looking Jesus holding a lamb in His arms when in fact he was a tough, blue collar, and Jack Bauer-like Savior. In addition, I had very few role models--how about older hyung examples? At church I saw 2 things in older hyungs: either a manly guy with no Christ, or a guy with Christ but no manliness whatsoever. So I am left today with a really strange conception of what it means to be a MAN of God. 'S-A-N-C-T-I-F-I-C-A-T-I-O-N' is still a really long word to me, but by the grace of God I'm learning what a man is and how I can become one.

1) Girls - When the world says be a playa, flirt like hell and have sex with as many girls as you can, the Biblical Man must save all that for his wife alone. Be her MVP, flirt with her, and etc.
2) Drinking - When the world says go out and have fun and get drunk/wasted cuz it's cool, the Biblical Man gets drunk on the Holy Spirit (and that's an order!) cuz it's cool.

1. Wimps, Pansies
2. Complainers, Whiners, Mr. Downer3. Video gamers, Grown men who still play Starcraft and Warcraft
4. The second son in Matthew 21:28-31
5. Guys who pick on weaker people6. Guys who think they're a lot harder than they really are
7. Dudes who can't back up what they say
8. Gossipers9. Guys who don't provide for their own family
10. Guys who get chicks pregnant and then ditch them
8. NFL's John Kitna and NCAA's Tim Tebow
7. UFC Fighters who are hella Christians (Randy Couture, Matt Hughes, Pat Barry)
6. Mark Driscoll, John MacArthur, John Piper(don't be fooled by his stature)5. Pastor Awax + Pastor Bizzle
4. Samson and Solomon (also my future sons' names)3. Missionary Jason Yoo (Yucatan)
2. My Daddy1. Jesus Christ
Conclusion: Like I said before, I'm in no position to define what a MAN of God is. I know it's not all about macho-ness and stuff. But I am walking painstakingly on the road of sanctification and Jesus is teaching me how to be a true man. So be true to God. And be true to yourself. That's what it really comes down to at the end of the day.
Conclusion: Like I said before, I'm in no position to define what a MAN of God is. I know it's not all about macho-ness and stuff. But I am walking painstakingly on the road of sanctification and Jesus is teaching me how to be a true man. So be true to God. And be true to yourself. That's what it really comes down to at the end of the day.
thanks for sharing this with us, Steveo. CAn't wait until your Bible study this Friday! -Veronica
good post.
pursuit of manhood, first step, lets do it together bro :)
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