1) First, I sin. You can fill in the blank.
2) I feel bad/guilty/shame/sucky.
3) I cry out, "I'll never do it again."
4) Then I feel a need to get right with God.
5) And then I try everything in my own power to stop sin.
6) After ____ amount of time, I do it again.
7) And again. And again.
8) Hit Repeat.
And everytime it happens again, I get more and more disheartened. When will it ever end?
Three insightful verses I came across today:
1. [Galatians 3:3] - "Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?"
Analysis: It's true, we try to fight sin with our own human effort. After we sin, we try to "get right with God" by being really passionate in our efforts (ex. We block internet, throw away our computer, break up with the gf/bf, we give our credit card to a buddy for accountability, we stop hanging out with certain people, etc, etc.) But we do it out of our own human power. Paul is saying, "Are you an idiot?" You were born again through the power of the Holy Spirit. If God is for us, who can be against us? And after all that, now you're going to try to stop sin with your own power?
Lesson: Don't be an idiot. Don't try to kill sin by human effort.
2. [2 Timothy 3:5] - "having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power."
Analysis: First, we don't want to admit we're weak. We don't tell other people because we're embarassed/ashamed. We don't have accountability partners. Maybe we do, but it's sparse. But to most people, we have the appearance of godliness. Secondly, we deny "the power" from which we can attain true godliness. We deny the power of God that can make us godly, and we try to gain godliness on our own.
Lesson: You only end up with the appearance of godliness. Don't deny God's power.
3. [Romans 8:13] - "For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live"
Analysis: You will put to death the misdeeds of the body. But ONLY IF BY THE SPIRIT you do so, and then you will live. We try to kill the flesh with our own willpower. "You can do it! You can kill it! Just overcome it mentally, emotionally, physically." NO! NO! NO! It's only by the power of the Spirit we can put to death SIN.
Lesson: Wanna live? Then put to death sin by the Spirit.
It's definitely not exhaustive. But it's something to chew on...
maybe a type synergy from a community can overcome that sinergism. accountability goes LONG ways. lets do it together~
i really, really needed this reminder.
right after billy mentioned "and for all you blog followers.." during prayer meeting, i went right to it after i got back to my room, lol.
knowing that i can't conquer sin on my own, but by the power of the spirit-- that is prob the most humbling and yet most comforting thing i can hear.
i somehow stumbled upon your blog after many clicks here and there through friends' blogs...(that sounded really stalker-ish), and i just wanted to say that your blog really interested me.
you have a lot of interesting viewpoints pertaining to certain topics (ie: a "real" man, grace, God and His works...).
thanks for the read! :)
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