Wednesday, January 14, 2009

RELIGION is for the weak

Today I was walking back to the dorms when I noticed this guy at a table in the middle of BruinWalk. The table had signs all over it that reads in large letters, "RELIGION IS FOR THE WEAK." I approached the table with skepticism and ends up that this guy is a Christian, a pastor named Mark. Long story short, I ended up sitting at the table with him for 2 hours--and what a way to strike up conversations! It's kind of funny, there were so many atheists and agnostics who approached us with approval... soon to encounter a rude awakening that we were Jesus lovers haha. Nevertheless it provided an opportunity for us to speak to a microcosm of the most outspoken skeptics on campus.

I'll just leave you with this: I think Christians (especially me) need to step outside of their non-confrontational Christian bubbles and talk to people unlike themselves. Get your feathers a little ruffled. If you get jacked, so be it! Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger--it'll make you want to know what you believe with more proof and conviction.

p.s. - by the way, religion IS for the weak. we are weak. that's why we need a Savior. [2cor.12:9]

p.s.s. - and you know what? God uses the foolish in the world to put to shame the wise, what is weak in the world to shame the strong. [1cor.1:27]

1 comment:

mkae said...

hahaha. i remember that guy. fun stuff =D